Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentine's Gift

Yeay, tahun ni dapat surprise from my fiance! I've got my dream heels...and i know how much it cost! It's a lot! thanks abang.........

When he arrived, I opened up a door, and he gave me a 3 red roses, it was beautiful. then he tied my eyes, asked me to sit and relax..then suddenly he came with a red box, and inside it was a red heels....everything was red! it's a love day.....

It's a Lewre's high heels...together with a clutch... Damn i love the shoes too much! i adore it!

Thanks so much to my love, Otam for giving me this. Makes me love u more and more each days! Now i can't wait for our big day!


Liyana Safra Zaabar said...

wah, i got nothing for tat day! :(
Hepi valentine day friend, love ya~