Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Dear Ika, pls update your own blog, do not let otam update your blog

Yeay! i berjaya hack dalam ika punyer blog :)

My name is otam. My tunang is Ika. She is the owner of this blog. Is there anyone reading this blog? if do, please answer me. Because this blog dont have a 'comment box' before, i just put it on today. Hmm... today is Khamis. Tomorrow is Jumaat dan the day after tomorrow is Sabtu. This Sabtu, Ika will be in Kerteh for her best friend wedding, Myra and Amir.

how well otam knew Myra and Amir?

  1. They brought us mandi sungai
  2. Amir works in kemaman, and Myra in Maxis KLCC
  3. Myra drive Viva
  4. Amir loves the red devils
  5. Myra is slim, and Amir is not slim
  6. Myra's friend call Amir 'Perot' but Amir is cool about this
  7. Myra and Amir had been together for 9 years! before they tie the knot
  8. They hit it on when they r studying at Unitar, Kelana Jaya
  9. They just got back from Cherating
  10. Last time i heard they went shopping somewhere
ntah aper aku merapu ni. Sori otam kacau ur blog. I want to see u after work kay at 7, then we rush to that place kay. My perut is empty, but dont feel like eating... hmm. I should eat.

Hope you have a nice day kay. bye


Anonymous said...

hi guys..ammar here.firstly,i would like to take this chance to wish a very ala..payah la ckp omputih..selamat pengantin baru utk amir ngn myra.ika and otam is next.cant wait for that..hehhehe..emm..nk comment apa ek?
saya kenal amir dari gf saya,emm..then baru la start rapat ngn myra.then baru la start rapat ngn ika..otam..aku takde chance lagi nk borak2 ngn ko..emm..nk tulis apa lagi ni wei????

email: said...

saya pun kenal amir dari gf saya, eh, tunang i mean

akupunyepasal said...

aku x knl sape2 coz...
aku terfolo blog nih..

Anonymous said...

hahaha...aku punye pasal sengal la